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Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Partnership

Lincolnshire Community Voluntary Service (LCVS) and Voluntary Centre Services (VCS) are delighted to announce the commencement of our formal Partnership, known as Lincolnshire Community and Voluntary Partnership.

LCVS and VCS have a strong history of collaboration and joint delivery of services and have achieved success over many years through working together and supporting each other. 

Our Directors and Trustees recognise the importance of working together to safeguard the long-term future of our organisations and much-valued services. Importantly, we are approaching this from a position of strength and solidarity. The process is not driven by need to make savings and no jobs are at risk at this time. The aim is to make best use of our collective resources to strengthen the delivery of local infrastructure, volunteering and social prescribing services across Lincolnshire whilst building on our trusted local brands.

The Partnership will be led by a single Chief Executive (Ben Rollett) who will be supported by a combined Senior Leadership and Management Team.

This is an exciting period for both organisations. We want to harness our collective knowledge, skills and expertise and strengthen our capacity for collaboration to support the delivery of strategic objectives and local outcomes in the longer term. 

We will keep partners informed over the course of this work and we want to involve partners as we consider opportunities to change or improve ways of working.


If you have any questions or feedback at this stage, please contact Ben Rollett at

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