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What is Volunteering?
The National Council for Voluntary Organisation’s (NVCO) definition is: Volunteering is someone spending time, unpaid, doing something that aims to benefit the environment or someone who they're not closely related to. Volunteering must be a choice freely made by each individual
Health Benefits of Volunteering
Some studies suggest those who volunteer have lower mortality rates than non-volunteers.
Volunteering increases social interaction and helps build a support system based on common commitment and interests.
Helping others has been shown to release dopamine in the brain meaning you become happier.
Volunteering improves thinking skills, can help reduce the risk of heart disease and symptoms of chronic pain.
Volunteering gives you a sense of pride, identify and accomplishment meaning you have a positive view on life.
Helping others has a profound positive effect on your psychological wellbeing and can help reduce stress and anxiety.
Experiences in care giving roles can carry over into personal relationships, making volunteers more independent and less reliant on family
Volunteering can help people come to terms with their own illness and help take their mind off there own problems.
8 Reasons to Volunteer
Work Experience and Training
Volunteer roles can translate into similar job roles and are useful as basic training in all related areas of employment.
Improve health
and wellbeing
The lack of meaningful occupation can affect your health and mental wellbeing. Volunteering breaks the cycle, and creates new perspectives, as well as new options.
Its easy to get out of working routines when unemployed for long periods. A voluntary role can restore these routines.
the cycle
The cycle of looking for work and doing job applications can become an ordeal and can take over. Volunteering can take you out of the treadmill and open you up to new opportunities
Fill gaps
on your CV
A gap in your CV can put employers off – A current CV is much more attractive and volunteering can fill that gap.
Widen your
social circle
Many volunteer roles can bring people in similar situations together and provide opportunities to form new relationships.
Upgrading and learning skills
Voluntary roles can include elements of training and skills development. Gaining current experience in a field also helps in getting jobs where this a factor in job selection.
Support University Applications
Universities see undertaking volunteering or social action as a key factor when being accepted onto a course.
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